
Barb has designed and stitched this sweet pincushion just right for the season! His black paper mache hat keeps him safe when not in use. This one will ship out to the distributors tomorrow. Should be in your local cross stitch shop after Thanksgiving!

He's stitched on 36ct. Murky by Picture This Plus, and uses Weeks Dye Works floss.
Wishing everyone here in the states a happy Thanksgiving, and time to enjoy your family!
Until later,
- Tuesday, November 26, 2025

I did change this recipe a little. My changes are noted below in parentheses.
Here's the recipe: Make sure you read over all the steps before beginning.
1 cup slivered blanched almonds
1 tsp. Land O Lakes butter, melted
1 1/2 tsps. of coarse ground black pepper (I used just 1 tsp.)
1/2 tsp. sea salt or coarse grain salt
2/3 cup Land O Lakes butter
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon corn syrup
(I add 1/2 tsp. almond extract after taking the toffee off of the heat source.)
1. Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 15" x 10" x 1" jelly roll pan with foil, and extend over the edges.
2. Combine the almonds with the 1/2 tsp. of melted butter in a small bowl. Toss to coat. Spread onto the pan. Sprinkle the pepper and salt over the almonds. Bake, stirring once or twice, until the nuts are lightly toasted....about 12 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, combine 2/3 cup butter, sugar and corn syrup in a heavy 3 qt. saucepan. Cook over medium hear, stirring occasionally, until the mixture comes to a boil and the sugar is dissolved.
Reduce the heat to low. (You don't have to stir much after you reduce the heat. It continues to do fine on its own.) Cook until the candy thermometer reaches 300 degrees. Remove from the heat and stir in the toasted almonds. (I add the 1/2 tsp. almond extract here also.)
4. Stir the mixture well and pour onto the same foil-lined pan; spread to a thin layer. Cool and break into pieces.
I made two batches....enough to share and have a couple pieces left for me too! I didn't double the recipe though. I made each batch separately.
Happy baking!
Until later,
- Monday, December 11, 2017

My owl row arrived today by UPS, just in time to roost on the Thanksgiving table. The cleaning is done ....most of the grocery shopping is completed, except for a couple of things I forgot, and the family is arriving today. Let the excitement begin!

Below are the winners:
Please email me at alma@blackbird-designs.com with your address. I will send them out next Monday after all my company leaves, ( if I can get out of my chair!)
1. Sharon Treece in Alaska.....you will have to make more than one row to keep you warm up there!
2. Ann....who found an owl on the highway and carried it to a rescue group.
3. Picara
4. Lisa who wants to make her grandkids a pillowcase
5. Melody Bryan
6. Barb who uses the picture of the cute corgi for her ID picture
7. Bibby and Pa
8. Kim from Northern California
9. Susie Hoover
10. Sherril who has an owl house! Wish I had one too!
11. Sandra Paschkow
12. Jilly Anderson
13. Sue Cahill who wants to make a row for her mom. (Hope my kids are reading this!!!)
14. Shirley Mann
15. M & M plus 3 who is going to make an owl house!
16. Karin Terwel who lives in the Netherlands
Congratulations to all of the winners!!!
Barb and I are thankful for all of you. Thank you for your nice notes too. Really enjoyed reading all of them.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Until later,
- Wednesday, November 22, 2017
It's a Blog Hop!

Guess who's participating in Martingale's blog hop celebrating our newest collaboration with 23 designers?
Us of course! Lots going on with this fun venture.

Martingale will be sharing our posts and hosting giveaways during the blog hop
(assorted giveaways plus three grand prizes from Martingale and Moda are up for grabs!). Click for a link to facebook.

Here's a peek at our row. The resounding conversation of our local owls greets me every morning when I let the dogs out. It the dark quiet of the early hours this is something that gives me great pleasure. This row is a tip of the hat to my early morning companions.

We have 10 of these books to give away! Leave a comment and get a chance for a new book. Great for a quick project....or if you have a sewing friend....this is the perfect gift. Winner will be announced at the end of the blog hop!
Here's the list for all participants!
November 13
Martingale: http://blog.shopmartingale.com/
Moda: http://blog.modafabrics.com/
November 14
Pat Sloan: http://blog.patsloan.com/
Janet Clare: http://janetclare.co.uk/blog/
Corey Yoder: http://littlemissshabby.com/
November 15
November 15
Laurie Simpson: http://minickandsimpson.blogspot.com/
Stacy lest Hsu: http://www.stacyiesthsu.com/blog/
November 16
Anne Sutton: http://bunnyhillblog.com/
November 17
Lynne Hagmeier: http://kansastroublesquilters-lynne.blogspot.com/
Betsy Chutchian: http://betsysbestquiltsandmore.blogspot.com/
November 18
Deb Strain: http://www.instagram.com/debstrain/
Kathy Schmitz: http://kathyschmitzstudio.blogspot.com/
November 19
Sandy Klop: http://www.instagram.com/sandyklop/
Sandy Klop: http://www.instagram.com/sandyklop/
Sandy Gervais: http://piecesfrommyheart-sgervais.blogspot.com/
November 20
Brenda Riddle: http://brendariddle.blogspot.com/
Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobson: http://www. meandmysisterdesigns.com/blog/
November 21
Karla Eisenach: http://www.thesweetwaterco.com/the-sweetwater-blog/
Camille Roskelley: http://www.instagram.com/thimbleblossoms/
Sherri McConnell: free v pn加速器
Kate Spain: http://www.instagram.com/katespain/
November 24
Lissa Alexander: http://modalissa.com/
Lisa Bongean: http://lisabongean.com/

Until later!
- Thursday, November 16, 2017
What's New!
Cross Stitch Patterns
Mix a few birds in with some scrappy baskets of flowers, and you have folk art at its best! Notice how the sweet plaids make the burgundies and blues pop. This quilt would be the perfect accent for any room in your home. Barb used a fat quarter pack of "At Home,"our latest fabric line with Moda Fabrics. She added yardage of several other prints and the look is fun! I'm always surprised how much I love the blue and red and burgundy leaves. It's nice when they don't all have to be green.
The appliqué shapes are large and simple, making this a quick and easy project. "A Little Flower" is a 60" square.

Below is pictured # 5 in our Loose Feather series, free v pn加速器. The same color palette helps to make sure they go together well. "Sing a Song of Seasons" is at the printer and will be picked up on Monday. Then off to the distributors, and they will be ready for you hopefully by the end of next week. I'm working on # 6 now. I know we have missed a couple of months publishing this series. I've had a couple of delays.

Pictured below is one reason for my delay. My daughter Laura got married earlier this month. Tyson is now our son-in-law and we couldn't be happier!

The second reason is our dog Corey. He got away from me at the park during one of our walks. He chased a deer and broke his elbow. He had to have surgery and Dave and I have tried to keep him quiet for the last 4 weeks. I just started walking him again for short periods of time. That darn dog!!!
Until later!
- Tuesday, November 7, 2017
New Summer Releases
The pattern pictured below was released last month. I didn't get a chance to post it earlier. This design was done by Barb and I love her sense of humor. The cat and birds seem to be very friendly! Corey my new dog, says we need to design one with a dog now. He's assured me, he loves birds! (Maybe for dinner.)

All the Hills Echoed, number #4 should be in your local shop now.
I know we haven't exactly keep to the every month scheme ....but summer happens! My vegetable garden has been calling to me this year. I've grown about a thousand Roma tomatoes and been making and freezing tomato soup and other "all things tomato." My freezer is almost full. I also took a week off to ride my bike along the Katy Trail in Missouri. My friend Becky volunteered to go with me but in truth, I rode mostly about 1/4 mile behind her the whole way. She is in better shape than me. We rode a bit over 200 miles. I'm ready to go again if you can believe it! If you want to go just let me know.
Barb and I have been teaching more this year too. We love traveling and seeing all of you!
And, to top everything off, my daughter Laura is getting married in Denver! I haven't had to do much as she and Tyson have planned everything. We just send checks! October 7th is their day....so much fun coming up!

The pattern below is the newest one in our Christmas Series. It is adapted from an antique piece that captured my eye. The large floral border is my favorite part. This was such an easy stitch. This one will be in shops very soon.

Here's a picture of M. Bowker's antique piece. Her sampler is joyous!

I have to share two photos from my bike ride too. Becky is posing in front of this enormous rock. She's looking really glad to have biked so far! After taking her picture, I was going to do the same pose. Then, I noticed something under the stone's ledge. (Look just behind Becky's right foot.)

I'm fairly brave....but not two copperheads brave. (See the smaller snake on the right too?) I think the small toad on the far left saved her life. Wonder how many of those were under the ledge. I'm thinking there were more than those 1
two. Becky swears she checked under the stone for snakes before standing there.
Hope you have all had a lovely summer and got to see the fabulous eclipse on Monday!
Until later,
- Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Cross Stitch Patterns

The Light Upon the Lawn is our newest Loose Feathers pattern. (Second in the series) It's on its way to the printer today, and shipping out to the distributors in a weeks time. The floss colors are the same as last month's palette, and I think one set of floss should be enough to do two of these small samplers.

The title of this pattern is inspired by Emily Dickenson’s poem, ‘A Light Exists in Spring’. In the poem she speaks of the light in spring being colored differently than the rest of the year. I loved the idea of spring light awaiting on the lawn ... ready for us to come outside and view the landscape. You can read her poem here.
Last weekend Barb and I traveled north for Stitchville USA's retreat in Minnesota. We had a lovey time! Great women, venue and food! Can't beat that combination! This trip really got me thinking about spring.
After we had driven about 250 miles north, I noticed the landscape had changed. No trees were in bloom and no buds on the trees. I told Barb we could experience about 6 springs a year. Start in the south and slowly travel north over a period of 10 weeks. Might be the perfect bike trip. I digress here....anyway someone from the retreat asked me how we come up with some of the pattern titles. It got me thinking that Barb and I should share how we name our patterns.

I had to wake Corey up for this picture. After our morning walk, he has been sleeping by my chair helping me work. Well....he's not really helping .....he's just lovely companionship. Look at those droopy eyes! Not to worry about any lack of sleep on his part...he's already snoring again.
Until later!
- Tuesday, April 18, 2017
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