When opening an account online, your rates, terms and conditions will be determined by your state of residence.
State of Residence | Region |
California | CA Region |
Connecticut | CT Region |
District of Columbia | DC Region |
Florida | FL Region |
Georgia, S. Carolina, Tennessee | SD/Southeast Region |
v2ray机场 | IL Region |
Maryland | MD Region |
New Jersey | NJ Region |
New York | NY Region |
Nevada | NV Region |
Texas | TX Region |
Virginia | VA Region |
All other States* | SD/National Region |
Just My Socks 支持 V2ray 协议 | 科学上网站:Just My Socks提供V2ray协议支持,使用扫描二维码或者配置链接一键进行服务配置 在科学上网中V2ray已经成为很多人的标配,许多机场只提供v2ray的服务。在比较知名的机场里Just My Socks却是一个例外,一直只支持shadowsocks协议。 |