
Gene A Felice II: The Screen Doors of Perception
DANM Statement in response to Police Murders of Black People
DANM Alum's Room of Revelations now showing at the Gray Area in SF
DANM Alumnae's Museum of Capitalism
Isaac Julien Lab
Film, Photography, Video Installation and Curating
Engaging a range of artistic disciplines, students in this lab will draw upon moving and still images to create visual and sonic languages for production, exhibition and installation.

Experimental Play
This project group invites those who want to invent and explore new play spaces. It seeks participants who will take play-oriented approaches to storytelling, ideology, sociality, performance, civic participation and other rich areas of human life.

Future Stages
with Marianne Weems and Michael Chemers
Explore the creative potentials and social implications of emerging technologies and cultural practices. Experiment with ideas, processes, collaborative research, and social action. Become a critical thinker, artistic innovator, and responsible leader.